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Scratch Coding Classes for Kids

Scratch coding for kids and basic algorithms for creating games and cartoons.
Game dev
PC User
32 classes

About Scratch Course

The Scratch classes online are designed for primary school students interested in the IT field. Children will learn Scratch coding, a visual programming language. Scratch courses help to develop logical and creative thinking.

Students will have access to a range of ready-made projects which they can modify individually or collaboratively. By the end of the Scratch programming course, children will be able to create their own games and cartoons.

    • Create your own 2D games
    • Create your characters 
    • Create your own project from scratch

Scratch Projects Examples

Course results
Knowledge of basic concepts of algorithmics and programming
Course results
Ability to apply variables, loops and conditions
Course results
Ability to create simple physics in games: scrolling, gravity, speed change, repulsion
Course results
Usage of coordinates in 2D Projects
Course results
Basic skills: design, storytelling, work with the built-in sound editor, etc.
More projects in HUB

Nisya Rifan, 9, studies Scratch

Why Teach Kids Scratch Coding

Preparing for the Future

Coding is a valuable skill across many professions, from software development to data analysis, offering numerous career opportunities.

Development of Critical Thinking

Scratch coding fosters analytical thinking, helps children understand cause-and-effect relationships, and teaches them to break complex tasks into manageable steps.

Development of Logic

Scratch coding courses teach children how to design sequences of code blocks, enhancing their ability to create logical chains that achieve desired outcomes.

Increased Creativity

Scratch programming stimulates creativity in children, encouraging them to think outside the box and come up with innovative ideas during the coding process

Motivation to Study

Scratch programming for kids awakens interest in traditionally less popular subjects like mathematics and computer science. Children begin to grasp the practical applications of these subjects and why they are valuable.

Why Choose Kodland for Scratch Classes for Kids?

Interactive educational platform

Kodland's platform is specifically designed for teaching Scratch for kids, providing interactive tasks that offer hints and praise automatically when children create programs or games.


The Hub is an online environment where young programmers can publish their projects from Scratch courses and engage with and comment on others' game projects.

Mentor support

Our Scratch coding instructors foster a supportive environment, actively engaging and guiding young programmers to ensure they understand and enjoy the learning process.

Enhancing soft skills

Studying at Kodland improves both technical and soft skills, emphasizing creativity, spatial awareness, critical thinking, teamwork, and digital literacy through Scratch programming.

Convenient online format

Our online Scratch coding courses save parents time on commuting while giving children more time to pursue their passions.

Scratch Course for Kids Curriculum


What’s a Typical Kodland Scratch Lesson Like?

First Meeting
The student connects to the platform according to the instructions given, gets acquainted with the teacher and the classmates.
Hands-on approach
Each Scratch coding lesson introduces a new topic, reinforces learning through practice, and includes homework assignments.
Project creation
Midway through the Scratch coding course, students select a topic for their own project and begin developing it.
Project presentation
Students showcase their Scratch coding projects online and present them during the course graduation.